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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Boon or Curse for Company Secretaries?

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Boon or Curse for Company Secretaries?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous presence, permeating various aspects of our lives. For Company Secretaries, the integration of AI presents both opportunities and challenges. This article explores the evolving role of AI in the realm of Company Secretaries, assessing its impact as both a boon and a curse.

Evolution of AI and Its Impact

Since its inception in 1956 by American Computer Scientist John McCarthy, AI has undergone significant evolution. As of January 2023, over 2.4 million companies have incorporated AI into their operations, signaling its profound impact across industries, including the realm of Company Secretaries.

Role of Company Secretaries in Business

Corporate Governance

Company Secretaries play a pivotal role in ensuring corporate governance, particularly with the introduction of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. Their expertise is crucial in guiding businesses to navigate legal compliance while considering environmental and social impacts.

Key Managerial Personnel (KMP)

Regulatory mandates necessitate the appointment of Company Secretaries as Key Managerial Personnel, highlighting their indispensable role in corporate governance and decision-making processes.

Secretarial Auditor

Company Secretaries are tasked with ensuring transparency, accountability, and regulatory compliance within organizations through secretarial audit reports.

Social Auditor

With the emergence of social auditing, Company Secretaries address broader stakeholder concerns and societal impacts, further expanding their role within organizations.

Trademark Agent/Intellectual Property Right Advisor

As guardians of intellectual property rights, Company Secretaries safeguard the brand value and integrity of organizations by serving as trademark agents and IP advisors.

Internal Auditor

While AI streamlines certain audit processes, the expertise and judgment of Company Secretaries remain crucial in identifying and mitigating risks within organizations.

Registration Handler

Company Secretaries navigate regulatory landscapes, securing necessary licenses and permits, thereby enhancing the value and compliance of businesses.

Boon of AI for Company Secretaries

Tool for Assistance

AI serves as a valuable tool for Company Secretaries, aiding in various tasks and increasing efficiency.

Drafting Tool

AI-powered drafting tools streamline document creation, saving time and ensuring accuracy in assignments and reports.


AI eliminates the possibility of human error, ensuring precision and reliability in tasks performed by Company Secretaries.

Better Decision Making

AI assists Company Secretaries in making informed decisions by analyzing vast amounts of data and providing insights.


By saving time and energy, AI enhances the productivity of Company Secretaries, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.

Curse of AI for Company Secretaries


The accessibility of AI may contribute to sedentary lifestyles, potentially leading to health issues such as obesity.

Lack of Knowledge

Overreliance on AI among young Company Secretaries may hinder the development of critical thinking skills and domain knowledge.

Skill Loss

AI-driven automation of tasks may diminish the unique skills and expertise of Company Secretaries, impacting their professional growth.

Job Replacement for Small Businesses

Small businesses may opt for AI solutions instead of hiring Company Secretaries, leading to job displacement in certain sectors.

Balancing Boon and Curse

The impact of AI on Company Secretaries hinges on how it is utilized. While AI offers efficiency and accuracy, its excessive dependence can lead to skill erosion and job displacement. Striking a balance between AI integration and retaining core competencies is essential for the sustainable growth of the profession.


The debate surrounding AI’s impact on Company Secretaries underscores the need for a balanced approach. By embracing AI as a complementary tool and retaining core competencies, Company Secretaries can navigate this evolving landscape while continuing to add value to organizations.

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